Sex education is still considered a taboo subject to be given to children and adolescents. Parents and adults feel uncomfortable and reluctant when children and teenagers ask questions relating to sex and choose to change the subject or tell them if they will find out by themselves as adults. By not giving answers about sex properly, correctly and clearly to children and adolescents, this will cause new problems in the community. Physical and hormonal changes in adolescents during the transition from children to adolescents, making them feel curious about what is happening with their bodies.

Even though sex education is the knowledge that contains everything related to:
1. Anatomy of the human body
2. Human reproduction system
3. The conception process until pregnancy
4. Healthy sexual relations
5. Sexual behavior
6. Transmission of sexual diseases such as HIV / AIDS
Sex education also teaches about the development of genitals and physical changes in women and men such as menstrual processes and wet dreams in men, which sometimes teens are too shy to ask their parents until they find out themselves through a search engine on the gadget each of them or ask their friends who are not infrequently they get the wrong information and not right.
So, what are the benefits of sex education for children and adolescents?
1. Can provide true and clear information about body development during the transition of children to adolescents
At this time there are some physical changes in adolescents, such as increasing height or … Read More