Which book type is better: online or physical?

Reading has evolved alongside technological advancements and the delivery of education services. Once upon a time, one had to physically visit libraries to conduct research or find certain books, and it was not unusual to find people’s houses having a library section that showcases the owner’s collection and individual preferences.

In recent times, however, many libraries have moved online, and many-a-book can be found on the internet. The implication, according to comments on ReviewsBird.com is that research and information are more readily available, while the transfer of knowledge is easier today than ever.

The advantages of e-books are highlighted below:

  • E-book apps reviews show that the level of convenience associated with online books makes it the preferred option for a lot of people. Once you have an internet connection and a well-powered gadget, reading online offers convenient reading options at any location, time, or zone. You can also access as many books as you want conveniently, unlike physical books that would be cumbersome to carry about in large quantities.
  • E-books are more suitable for young and/or reluctant readers because the books are easily in tune with the gadgets and technologies they are familiar with. The ability to also adjust the book settings to meet their preferences, such as font size, font type, night mode or daylight mode, and other features makes the e-book the preferred option among many categories of the younger generation.
  • E-books make it possible for visually impaired individuals to read and get information. Apart from the audiobooks which aid the blind, people with reading disorders and poor eyesight find reading easier, as they can control the fonts and spacing to meet their needs and preferences.
  • E-books reduce the use of paper, which reduces deforestation, which improves the environment. This means that e-books are eco-friendlier than physical books.

Physical books, on the other hand, has the following advantages:

  • Reading on paper, however, has been proven by some studies to aid memory retention. First, reading on paper helps to keep track of progress easily. Second, it preserves the eyes of the reader from the likely damages or strain caused by blue light emission of the various screens of their gadgets.
  • Reading on paper offers less distraction than reading online. Users of smartphones and the internet know how easy it is to get distracted by the abundance of online advertisements and links, which can easily turn a book-reading session into a shopping spree. With physical books, the reader is solely responsible for his/her attention, or lack thereof.
  • Physical books hold an allure for some people that cannot be satisfied with online books. First, physical books are tangible and can be easily referenced, unlike online books that get pushed to the bottom of the list if another book becomes the chart-topper, and can over time get lost. Websites can crash, books can be removed from certain spaces, taking along the information and knowledge that might not be easily found elsewhere.
  • The smell of physical books is intoxicating for some people. It might smell musty and old like an old librarian’s copy, or sharp and fresh like it just got out of the press – but the distinctive smell like books cannot be ignored by many bookworms.

There you have the advantages of both categories of books highlighted. The readers can therefore use the above information to decide which best suits their personality, preferences, and needs.